City College of San Francisco Judo
Philosophy of Judo Practice
THE PHILOSOPHY OF JUDO by Dr. Sachio Ashida, Hachidan (8th degree)
The average student is eager to learn the physical and technical side of Judo. The ukemi, nage-waza, osaekomi-waza and other forms of kata take up much of his attention. The “philosophy” seems to be pushed aside, forgotten or neglected.

Our Students
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Judo practice has many rules of etiquette, manners, and ethics. Above all, judo students learn important values of respect, respect for their instructors, or sensei; their partners, both senior and junior to them; the officials and referees of judo; the families and friends of judo classmates; and above all, themselves.

Class Projects
At the end of every semester, the CCSF Judo Club hosts a Invitational Judo Tournament for the Bay Area. In addition to learning the sport of Judo, you will also be exposed to management of a Judo Tournament.

Social Events
The social events are designed to help different people meet each other. Our social activities let different people easily talk and mingle. You a great opportunity to engage with likeminded people. You can talk to other people and know their ideas and share your views as well.

Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I participate?
You must be a current student at City College of San Francisco enrolled in either Judo or Jiujitsu.
How can I earn my next belt rank?
Yes, you can earn your belt rank up to 1st Degree Black Belt at CCSF. The belt ranks are; white, green, brown (3rd, 2nd, 1st Degree), Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt).
The City College of San Francisco Judo Club is a charter club of the United States Judo Federation.