Sankyu: Brown; 3rd Degree, pdf (download)
- General Information on Judo
Basic Judo etiquette
- Wear slippers to mat area, execute proper bow when entering into dojo and mat area Basic Judo hygiene
- Clean; Personal Hygiene, Judogi Purpose of ukemi
- Learn to fall so you will not injured yourself, dissipate the force of falling Correct forms of sitting and kneeling
- informal-anza, formal-seiza
- Who was the founder of Judo?
What is the name of the school he founded?
What is the date of the founding of Judo?
What was unarmed combat called in Japan before Judo?
What is the name of your Judo organization?
- The United States Judo Federation.
Name the three parts of a Judo throw in English and Japanese:
- 1. Off Balance-Kuzushi.
- 2. Entry-Tsukuri.
- 3. Execution-Kake.
Name the three parts of unarmed combat in English and Japanese:
- Throwing techniques-Nage Waza.
- Grappling techniques-Katame- Waza,
- Striking techniques-Atemi Waza.
Name the two divisions of throwing techniques in English and Japanese:
- Standing techniques-Tachi Waza.
- Sacrifice techniques - Sutemi Waza.
Name the three divisions of standing throwing techniques in English and Japanese:
- Hand techniques - Te Waza.
- Hip techniques - Koshi Waza.
- Foot techniques-Ashi Waza.
Name the two divisions of sacrifice techniques in English and Japanese:
- Back falling sacrifice techniques - Ma Sutemi Waza.
- Side falling sacrifice techniques - Yoko Sutemi Waza.
Name the three divisions of mat techniques in English and Japanese:
- Holding techniques - Osaekomi Waza.
- Choking techniques - Shime Waza.
- Joint locking techniques - Kanetsu Waza.
What are the two principles of Kodokan Judo as defined by Dr. Kano
- Maximum efficiency
- Mutual benefit and welfare.
What is the ultimate goal of Judo as defined by Dr. Kano?
- The harmonious development and eventual perfection of human character.
Names and colors and order of “kyu” belt ranking system
- Yonkyu (4th degree/Green Belt),
- Sankyu (3rd degree/Brown Belt)
- Nikyu (2nd degree/Brown Belt)
- Ikkyu (1st degree/Brown Belt)
- O soto-Gari
- Ko-Soto-Gari
- O-Uchi-Gari
- Ko-Uchi-Gari
- Hiza-Guruma
- Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi
- Okuri-Ashi-Barai
- Ippon Seoi-Nage
- Morote Seoi-Nage
- Tsuri-Komi-Goshi
- O Goshi
- Harai Goshi
- Ashi Guruma
- Demonstrate 1 Combination
Osae Waza Holding Techniques
- Kesa-Gatame
- Kuzure-Kesa- Gatame
- Kuzure-Yoko-Shiho-Gatame (Modified)
- Kami-Shiho-Gatame
- Ushiro-Kesa-Gatame
- Tate-Shiho-Gatame
Shime waza
- Okuri-Eri-Jime
- Hadaka-Jime
- Kataha-Jime
- Gyaku-Juji-Jime
- Sitting on the knees - Seiza
- First penalty given by referee - Shido
- Loss by violation of the rules! (referee's call) - Hansoku Make
- Full point! (referee's award) - Ippon
- Almost full point! (referee's award, half-point) - Wazari
- Sliding foot walking - Tsugi Ashi
- Sifting cross-legged - Anza
- Advancing foot sweep throw - De Ashi Harai
- Major inside reaping throw - O Uchi Gari
- Upper corners hold - Kami Shiho Gatame
- To float or floating - Uki
- Lower prop - Sasae
- Lift - Tsuri
- Pull - Komi
- Modified (as in hold-downs) - Kuzure
- Right - Migi
- Left - Hidari
- Forward falls - Zempo Ukemi
- Decision! (referee's call for judges' decision) - Hantei
- Win by decision! (referee's call) -Yusei Gachi
- Floating hip throw - Uki Goshi
- Foot stop throw (literally "Lower-Prop Lift-Pull Foot") Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi
- Modified scarf hold - Kuzure Kesa Gatame
- Fifth class (Kyu) Judo rank - Gokyu
- Body - Tai
- Rolling - Kaiten
- Front rolling falls - Zempo Kaiten Ukemi
- Drop - Otoshi
- Valley - Tani
- Pivoting or turning the body - Tai Sabaki
Names and colors and order of “kyu” belt ranking system
- Rokkyu (6th degree/ white belt)
- Gokyu (5th degree/ white belt)
- Yonkyu (4th degree/Green Belt)
- Sankyu (3rd degree/Brown Belt)
- Nikyu (2nd degree/Brown Belt)
- Ikkyu (1st degree/Brown Belt)
Tournament Management:
- 2 Assist (Timer/Scorekeeper) Outside Tournament
- 1 Assist CCSF Invitational Judo Tournament or Clinic
Count to 30 in Japanese